215 Lombard St. Garage
This is secure indoor parking with 24/7 access and unlimited in-and-out privileges. This rate is a Sedan rate and not valid for SUVs and other oversized vehicles.
(1) The monthly billing cycle starts on the 1st of the month, and its period is the 1st through the end of the same calendar month. If you start parking on or after the 15th, you will be required to purchase the pro-rated ½ month in addition to the month purchased through ParkWhiz. For the prorated time you will pay the garage directly. There is no prorated pricing if you start parking between the 2nd and 14th of the month (i.e., the full monthly amount is owed and its period is the 1st through the last calendar day of the month.
(2) New customers only. For Month 2 onward, you will pay the facility directly.