LAZ Parking - One Newark Center Garage
This is for unassigned self-park and lock monthly parking with unlimited in-and-out privileges. This location is 24/7, but there are some security measures to follow to access the garage when the office is closed as follows:
• Weekdays from 5:50 am – 12:10 am, monthly parkers can drive or walk into the garage (in person security coverage). • Weekends from 7am – 12:10am, monthly parkers can drive or walk into the garage (in person security coverage). • Closed from midnight – 6am (weekdays) 7am (weekends), monthly parkers must call building hotline and identify themselves to access garage, (remote live-security coverage).
This rate is valid for all vehicles with a height restriction of 6 feet 6 inches (6’6”)
It is recommended that you choose the 1st of the month as your start date. The monthly billing cycle starts on the on the 1st of the month, and its period is the 1st through the end of that same month. There is no prorated pricing. If you choose a start date other than the 1st, your monthly reservation will still only be valid until the last day of the same month, and you will be charged the full amount for your second month.
This promotional rate is guaranteed for 60 days, and is subject to the following conditions:
- Offer only available to new monthly customers.
- There is an additional $20 non-refundable fee for the access card (to be paid at the garage).
- On your start date, and before you begin parking, you MUST meet with an onsite attendant to complete registration and confirm your monthly parking status.
- Purchase must not be more than 45 days in advance of start date.
If any of the above conditions are not met, your booking may be cancelled at the request of the management.