Dyckman House

Edison ParkFast - 3976 10th Ave. Lot

3976 10th Ave. New York, NY 10034
Select Parking Type*Required
24-Hr Access (Sedan) 
(US$299 total)
Storage Monthly (Sedan) Exit fee $15 
(US$199 total)
Storage Monthly (Oversize) Exit fee $15 
(US$299 total)
24-Hr Access (Oversize) 
(US$399 total)
Parking total:
Monthly Fee Details

PLEASE READ: Monthly parking at ParkFast locations can only be purchased in calendar months. If you start parking before the 9th of the month, your ParkWhiz monthly purchase will only be valid until the last day of the calendar month (i.e., 30th or 31st). If you plan on starting your parking on or after the 9th of the month, your ParkWhiz purchase will be applied your first month of parking, and you will be required to pay an additional, prorated amount for the remainder of the following calendar month of parking. The monthly price is guaranteed for the first three months.

Monthly parking with 24-hour access is valid only for sedans. If you are driving an oversize vehicle, please select that option prior to purchase; otherwise, your monthly fee will be adjusted and you will be charged an additional fee. For a full list of oversize vehicle makes/models visit www.parkfast.com/oversized-vehicles .

About This Facility
3.2out of 5
You’re literally at the top of Manhattan here, and what a view. Tour the exquisite Cloisters museum and gardens, take in a Columbia University Lions game at Wien Stadium, stroll through beautiful Isham Park or enjoy the authentic and mouth-watering guacamole at Guadalupe Bar & Grill. Max Vehicle Height: 6'3". 💲💲 Any vehicle taller than 70" or wider than 86" will be considered an Oversized Vehicle. This includes any aftermarket modifications. Charges for any vehicle under tow will depend upon overall length. 💲💲 Parking outside the reserved parking time frame will result in additional fees.