Atlantic City
Today 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Select the start time and end time
for your booking here.
About This Facility

Convenient and spacious open-air lot in Downtown Atlantic City. Just a few minutes from the IMAX Theatre, Circus Maximus Theater, and Atlantic City Historical Museum.

  1. This location is monitored according to the license plate listed on your ParkWhiz pass. Make sure the information on your pass matches the plate number on your vehicle. Failure to do so may result in a ticket or booting.

  2. You may park anywhere that doesn't say "Reserved".

  3. Simply leave when you're ready to go!

  4. Target Park U.S Management is not Responsible for theft or damage to vehicles or Contents.

Enter this location at 3504 Pacific Ave Atlantic City New Jersey 08401 This is the 3405 Pacific Ave Atlantic City New Jersey 08401, The operated by Target Park U.S. The entrance is on the Southside on Pacific Ave Between Hartford Ave and Providence Ave. The lot is close to Boardwalk, Beach Knife &Fork Restaurant. The parking lot is with the sign “DOWN BEACH PARKING”.

RATED: 3.7 out of 5

How to Park